Fire Emblem: Awakening - Strategy Guide -

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Strategy Guide


  • Release Date: 2013-06-07
  • Genre: Games


Join Chrom, brother to Ylisse’s empress and commander of its forces, in a fantasy world teetering on the brink of war. It’s your duty to guide a team of Ylisse’s finest soldiers - knights, mages, archers, and more - against the marauding Plegian bandits. To succeed, you will need to carefully choose the units you take into battle. As you lead your team through battles across maps that span entire kingdoms, your army will grow. Some characters are willing to join you quickly, while others may need more persuasion. Each character earns experience in battle, levelling up and gaining strength and abilities as they do so. It’s up to you to guide their moves, choose their weapons, and direct their attacks. 

Inside our detailed guide you will find:

How to complete every campaign map.
- The tactics needed to survive Lunatic difficulty!
- How to recruit every character (with full character stats).
- What class every character can be with *full* class stats for each!
- How to unlock and beat every Side-Quest.
- All DLC maps covered (Euro version timetable).
- Who can marry who and what children they can have.
- All weapons and item data.

Version 1.1: 

- Expanded the Introduction and Gameplay section with tons of new tips.
- Added 17 pages covering *all* of the released DLC.
- Added profiles for the Generation 2 and Postgame characters.
- Many additional screens courtesy of Awakening veteran shadowofchaos.