Pokémon: Sword & Shield - Strategy Guide - GamerGuides.com

Pokémon: Sword & Shield - Strategy Guide

By GamerGuides.com

  • Release Date: 2019-11-14
  • Genre: Games


Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Pokémon: Sword and Shield, the latest entries in the Pokémon video game franchise. Our guide also incorporates all the DLC, including the currently-released Isle of Armor (and in the future, it will cover the Crown Tundra).

In Sword and Shield, you explore the Galar region, based on the United Kingdom, alongside rivals Hop, Bede and Marnie, with the aim to dethrone the Pokémon League Champion.

The games introduce several new features such as Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing, functions that increase size and change forms of certain Pokémon; the Wild Area, a large open world with free camera movement; and raids with co-op battling. They also reintroduce features previously seen in Sun and Moon and Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, such as regional variants and roaming Pokémon depicted in the overworld.

Version 1.2:

- A Complete Walkthrough of the Isle of Armor.
- Details of all 16 new Wild Areas, including Pokémon encounter rates.
- All the new Max Raid Dens: Locations and Featured Pokémon.
- Images and Locations of All 150 of the Missing Diglett.
- The Isle of Armor Pokédex (featuring 100 Returning Pokémon).
- Recipes for the Cram-o-matic.
- A Full Walkthrough featuring Pokémon encounter rates.
- All Gym Encounters and Strategies.
- New Items: Mints & Natures Explained.
- Post Game content including Champion Cup.
- Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing.
- The Galar Region Pokédex (featuring 400 Pokemon).