Pocket PCIT - Jason Jent, Allison Weinstein, Greg Simpson, Patricia Gisbert & Scott Simmons

Pocket PCIT

By Jason Jent, Allison Weinstein, Greg Simpson, Patricia Gisbert & Scott Simmons

  • Release Date: 2014-10-31
  • Genre: Parenting


This interactive book is for families who are either in or have already finished Parent-Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT. We hope that this mobile resource helps you to improve your relationship with your child. We also hope that it helps you to understand how to use your new parenting skills outside of your PCIT sessions. This resource is not meant to replace therapy. Instead, it is meant to support you and your family in practicing PCIT skills with your child outside of session. PCIT Therapists understand that they only work with your family for less that 1% of your entire week. We want you to know that the skills that you learn in session will improve your relationship with your child a lot. These skills will also improve your child’s behaviors when you use them the rest of the time. We understand that it is hard to remember everything that you and your therapist talk about during your session. So, we want you to have this mobile resource to use both during and after you finish PCIT. This will help you build and keep a great relationship with your child. This mobile resource can help by giving you answers to some of the most common questions about parenting programs. It can also show you examples of how to use the PCIT skills daily with your child. Finally, it can give you information for when you can’t quite remember what it is that you are supposed to do in a certain situation. 
Each of us has our own way of learning. So, this mobile resource shows examples of skills in different ways, including text and video. We hope that by giving this information to you in a mobile resource, you will be able to use it when you need it most. That is, when you can’t quite remember what it is that you are supposed to say or do, we hope that you will use this resource to help you. By successfully finishing PCIT and using this mobile resource as a helper, we believe that you will become so good at using PCIT skills in your everyday life, that you won’t need this resource anymore. However, sometimes life happens and things get a little off track and this resource will be here to help you get back on track as needed!
We hope that you enjoy this interactive book along with the wonderful experience of attending PCIT. This process can be life changing for your family. There is a lot of effort involved in PCIT, but your hard work will improve your relationship with your child in both the short- and long-term.