Building High Performing Teams - Jason Westland

Building High Performing Teams

By Jason Westland

  • Release Date: 2014-01-12
  • Genre: Industries & Professions


It doesn't take a guru to build a high performing team - it just takes a very careful approach. By reading the advice offered in this book, you can build high performing teams overnight. Learn how to recruit, lead and manage your team at a high level. Written by the Directors of, you'll learn the tips and tricks needed to boost your project team’s performance quickly.

High performing Project Managers have high performing teams working for them. However not every project team performs at a high level. If you want to boost your team’s performance and deliver projects better than before, then read this free e-book. You’ll learn the tips and tricks to build a high performing team that “deliver the goods” every time! Written by the Directors here at, this book tells you:
The 5 goals as a Project Manager How to hire the right staff How to lead your projects How to motivate your team How to manage project politics How to manage stress in teams How to resolve project conflict How to run project meetings
Here are some snippets from the book…

It doesn’t take a guru

Once your team is in place, you can focus on leading them as opposed to managing them day-to-day. Sure, Project Managers obviously have to “manage projects” – but great Project Managers lead projects to success, they don’t manage them at the micro level. They empower their team to make micro decisions on their behalf, allowing them to stand back and take a leadership role within the project.

The main difference between a leader and a manager is that a “leader” is responsible for setting the goals and motivating the team to achieve them. Whereas a manager is responsible for co-ordinating the work to achieve the goals set.

Make it fun

Yes projects are hard work, but they should also be fun. You should take time out after hours to do fun things with your team – whether it’s a meal out, tenpin bowling or a fun excursion trip. This helps to build the team ethos and reduce stress.

You will probably find that over time, tensions rise in the project and team members often clash due to the pressure they are under. By taking time out of the project to make it fun, tension will be reduced as people realize that in a social environment, they get on better than at work. Also, you don’t have to stop work to make it fun. Build it into your own Job Description!

How to Hire the right staff

Set 5 personal goals to achieve as a Project Manager. Then kick off building your high performing team by recruiting the right staff. It’s a well known fact that great projects are run by great teams. But finding the right staff to help you build a great team is one of the greatest challenges you’ll face as a Project Manager.

Interviewing candidates

For every interview, you should: Prepare a list of questions before you start. Cover all areas of the Job Description, during the interview. Address any strengths and weaknesses from their resume. Consider the quality of the questions they’ve posed to you. Be specific, direct and to the point at all times.