Following Him With Your Heart, And Not Just With Your Mouth - Free From Bondage Ministry

Following Him With Your Heart, And Not Just With Your Mouth

By Free From Bondage Ministry

  • Release Date: 2013-11-14
  • Genre: Christianity


We all know that Christ told us: "Many will follow Me with their mouth, but few will follow Me with their heart". In many of our ministry books, e-mails, and MP3's, I stress the importance of that by pointing out loud and clear that we need to "Pour our hearts out to God", that we need to "Give our heart to Him", that we indeed need to "Follow Him with our heart". And I have received many a request for a clear explanation on that. It was as if people were asking me for an instruction manual on "How to follow Him with your heart". Never was I able to answer, other than using that same statement of Christ again and again, thinking it would be impossible to put such a "heart issue" on paper. Until some important details were revealed to me. Which I will share with you in this book. I hope it will answer the many requests for a clear explanation. Mind that this book is not for the "Faint of heart". It will stretch you further than any of the Free From Bondage Ministry books might have done so far. Writing it even caused me to look at my life, my faith, and myself in relationship to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.