iPad Animation - Craig Lauridsen

iPad Animation

By Craig Lauridsen

  • Release Date: 2013-11-18
  • Genre: Film


iPad Animation – your interactive guide to making stop motion movies on the iPad. Easy!
Boinx iStopMotion – the complete and portable stop motion and time lapse recording studio. Simple!

Learn the complete stop motion process on an iPad - weaving together story, pictures and sound.

More than 230 pages of instruction, tips, examples and flow chart diagrams so you can master stop motion – fast!

iPad Animation covers 4 apps (iStopMotion, Garageband, iMovie and djay), 9 stop motion projects and 15 accessories.
Inspiring movie and sound examples are built into the book without the need for web connection.

The iStopMotion chapter covers animation and time lapse.

The GarageBand chapter covers recording voice, samples and creating music. 

Get an immediate boost into your learning when you download all the GarageBand files and MP3 soundtracks used in the projects, and a further 15 bonus soundtracks.


This is an excellent resource for teachers that want to incorporate stop motion animation into their curriculum! Lauridsen's book is easy to follow and full of tidbits and resources that veteran animators will find useful! I love that this is a digital book, as the video and and interactive resources just can't be duplicated with paper!
Anna Adam, Tech Chick Tips

Have an iPad? You have an animated movie making studio in your hands. We've been animating for 5 years now, the last two years with an iPad, and this book is the best source for anyone wanting to do it all with an iPad. It's all here; the sound recording workflow, the editing, the animating, the story process, etc. This is … animation gold. We wish we had this when we started. The sound chapters are pure gold. Work arounds, tips, mounting ideas, remote control of your iPad and so many more fun, real-world ideas saturate every chapter. 
We especially liked the use of 'mind maps' to navigate through the subject matter in the book. Mind maps work like our minds do, and we were able to drill down to the subject areas we were most curious about with clarity and ease. 
Animation Chefs, www.animationchefs.com

This book made me realise that there are lots of possibilities using this software, and I can see why people really get into it. In short, it is fun to read and the project ideas in the last chapter really bring the possibilities alive! Having multimedia capability built right into a book still seems remarkable! So … my feedback is not only positive - but enthusiastic!
Peter Thirkell, Victoria University

ENHANCED: This book includes video and other interactive materials

REQUIREMENTS: This book was designed for iPad and some features may not work as intended with a mouse or trackpad.