A Strong Australia - Tony Abbott

A Strong Australia

By Tony Abbott

  • Release Date: 2012-11-30
  • Genre: Politics & Current Affairs


During 2012, Tony Abbott, the Federal Leader of the Opposition, delivered a series of landmark speeches that set out the Coalition’s plans and our hopes for Australia. 
A Strong Australia brings together the major speeches delivered by Mr Abbott during 2012.  In its totality, this book details the values, directions and policy commitments of the next Coalition government.   He writes “these slightly edited speeches represent the distilled essence of what I think Australia needs right now”.
A Strong Australia is the foundation of a future Coalition government.  It contains the plans to create a diverse five pillar powerhouse economy through lower taxes, more efficient government and more productive businesses that will deliver more jobs, higher wages and better services for Australian families.
If you want to know what the next Coalition government will be like, you should read this book.  It’s the plan for government that the Coalition has been developing to give everyone the hope, reward and opportunity that Australians deserve.
Tony Abbott is the Federal Leader of the Opposition.  A Strong Australia is Mr Abbott’s fourth book and his first e-book.