So You Want to Write a Book… Are You Ready? - Lynne Klippel

So You Want to Write a Book… Are You Ready?

By Lynne Klippel

  • Release Date: 2012-08-21
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance


As a best-selling author, publisher, book coach and writing teacher since 2004, I’ve been fortunate to work with some amazing authors and really great books.  
Over the years, I’ve observed that successful writers write their books when they are ready….or they take strategic steps to become ready because they have a draft of a manuscript.  It’s a little bit like the old chicken and the egg joke; we don’t know for sure which will come first.  
Writing and readiness are equally important
In this multi-media ibook, you’ll be able to assess your author readiness in 7 key areas crucial for Author Success:
Your Message
Your Writing Confidence
Your Credibility
Your Manuscript
Your Service Line
Your Marketing Plan
7   Your Life After the Book Launch