The Comprehensive Guide to Bass Fishing - Steve Stoud

The Comprehensive Guide to Bass Fishing

By Steve Stoud

  • Release Date: 2011-06-03
  • Genre: Nature


Bass fishing is not complicated once you know a few basics. In fact, it's way easier than most hobbies. Some of the reasons are: - You're not competing against anyone - It doesn't take much money (if any) to get started - It's relaxing and a good way to "de-stress" - You can do it at competitions if you have a competitive streak And you don't need to know a lot of technical stuff. That's the big secret. In fact, there are only a few key tricks and tactics that can make you TEN TIMES better as a fisherman once you know them. You don't need to know all the technical details, or read a university-level course on fish biology, etc. You just need to know... what are the basic tips that pro bass fishers know that would make it easy to start bass fishing. And here's just some of what's inside: - All about Bass Fishing - the hows and whys of bass fishing, and why the old fashioned ways of fishing work better. - Bass Fishing 101 - yes, this is the world's quickest & simplest "get up to speed" guide on catching more bass, easier and more often than ever before. - Choosing your bass fishing gear - If you don't have a rod yet, or you're thinking of getting a different one or buying some new gear, this checklist will make your choices simple. - Accessories you need - don't let a tackle and bait salesperson load you up with a bunch of junk you don't need. Here's what you do need - plain and simple. - The 8 best places to go bash fishing. Do you live near one of these bass fishing "hot spots"? - 8 simple etiquette rules you should keep in mind to make sure your time spent fishing is fun and safe... and not spent in arguments or fistfights! - Your basic bass fishing toolbox. Just a handful of tools, accessories, and tips you must have in your toolbox to have a great, relaxing day bass fishing. - 18 Tips to make sure your day is spent having fun fishing and not stranded frustrated, and lost. - To Boat or Not to Boat? The quick and simple guide to deciding when you should get a boat to go bass fishing - The five golden rules you NEED to know about Bass in order to catch more of them! - The six types of bass and what you need to know to find them... and catch them! - Tall tales and other entertaining ways to help you pass the time till the next bite! This just scratches the surface of what's in this book. It gives you everything you need to get started in your new hobby if bass fishing today.