For some people, the barbeque is the height of the summer- their main source of cooking, entertainment and source of pride all center around their grill, their smoker or if they are truly dedicated, both. While some people may think that these types of cooking are interchangeable there are actually huge differences not only in the equipment that is being used but in the length of time that you are cooking. Certain foods are better suited for grilling while others truly become magical during smoking. And then there are foods that can be cooked using either method. Those foods will have different flavors and textures depending on how you have cooked them.
Before you dive in and attempt to become the Backyard Barbeque master, there are a few things that you should know and this book is a great place to get started. You are going to learn:
The difference between smoking and grillingThe best tools for each type of cookingAll of the techniques that you will get you the best resultsHow to use marinades to get the very best results from even bargain bin cuts of meatSide dishes that pair well with every dish including some amazing sides that are cooked using a smoker.
This book also lets you know which recipes are perfect for either method and ways to make changes so that you are always keeping them guessing and always coming back for more.