Idolatry - J. C. Ryle, David Clarkson, Charles Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Calvin, Ralph Erskine, John Flavel & John Owen


By J. C. Ryle, David Clarkson, Charles Spurgeon, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Calvin, Ralph Erskine, John Flavel & John Owen

  • Release Date: 2016-06-07
  • Genre: Christianity


J. C. Ryle (1816-1900): The Definition and Cause of Idolatry – the meaning of idolatry and why man is naturally inclined to it.
David Clarkson (c.1621-1686): Soul Idolatry Excludes Men out of Heaven – idolatry of the heart is as destructive and damning as bowing to external idols.
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892): Idolatry Condemned – a catalogue of common human idols.
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981): Keep Yourselves from Idols – pastoral warning and Biblical method for overcoming idolatry.
John Calvin (1509-1564): Impiety of Attributing a Visible Form to God – God’s prohibition of images in His worship.
Ralph Erskine (c. 1685-1752): A Treatise on Mental Images – the dangers and idolatry of conceiving images of Christ in our minds.
John Flavel (c.1630-1691): Idolatrous Worship – warnings against worshipping God in ways He has not authorized in His Word.
John Owen (1616-1683): The Idol of Free-Will – one of the primary religious idols of modern religion exposed as little different from gods of wood and stone.
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892): Idols Abolished – what do those who have been redeemed have to do with idols? On what should we fix our hearts?
J. C. Ryle (1816-1900): Idolatry Today – Where Is It? – one of the greatest, most seductive dangers facing modern professing Christianity.