A Shortcut to Longboarding By Lee Ryan - Lee

A Shortcut to Longboarding By Lee Ryan

By Lee

  • Release Date: 2013-03-01
  • Genre: Sports & Recreation


So, you want to surf better, yes? Would you like to learn at your own pace, have the info broken down into bite-size chunks, watch videos of the moves being performed by the top pro’s, view sequence shots and keynote presentations outlining each manoeuvre step by step? Well, A Shortcut to Longboarding has you covered. This best-selling instructional ebook on longboard surfing has been re-designed specifically with the iPad and iPhone in mind.  Jam-packed full of advice and tips from the top longboarders on the planet including 2011 and 2012 ASP World Champion Taylor Jensen,  2006 World Champion Josh Constable, ten times European Longboard Champion Ben “Skindog” Skinner and 2009 World Champion Harley Ingleby - just to name a few.  This classy, easy to negotiate eBook is the brainchild of former British pro longboarder Lee Ryan – now residing in New Zealand where he is an ASP accredited judge. With multiply contest wins to his name including 9 British National titles he sure knows his stuff. A shortcut to Longboarding is so comprehensive and thorough there’s no stone left unturned, with over 120 pages of expert advice from the basics to advanced maneuvers, there is something for everyone. If you’d like to improve your surfing (who doesn’t?) and gain some true insights into the art of longboarding, then A Shortcut to Longboarding will prove an investment in your style and performance. 

Benefits of downloading this ebook
Learn how to improve your jump up, stance and style, walk the board, hang five, hang ten, perform drop knee cutbacks, paddle out in big surf and many more surfing techniques. 
Receive top tips and advice from the world's best professional longboarders 
Information on board design, fin design, fin placement and choosing a new longboard.
Learn Surfing Etiquette. 
Surf Fitness - How to train to be a better surfer.
Colourful photos from pro photographers explaining each manoeuvre in detail.
Interactive PowerPoint displays breaking down the manoeuvres and making them easy to understand.
Instant access to the information you need – when YOU want it, any time - 24 hours a day.
Yours to keep forever...  It won’t fade or get eaten by the dog!

“Hey Lee. Great book! Really good format for a surf instruction book. I really like the red lines showing where you should be looking and where your centre of gravity should be. It makes it really easy for beginners to understand.”  Taylor Jensen, USA  Pro Longboarder
“Lee Ryan has produced a world class work on longboarding that equals anything yet written about learning to surf and especially learning to ride a longboard. The title says it all, because as we all know it’s easy enough to learn, but it can take years to master the art of longboarding.” Pacific Longboarder Magazine
"It’s hard to get the balance between over-explaining and just skimming the surface, but here it’s just right"
Carve Surfing Magazine


  • Awesome book!

    By occy2020
    Really enjoyed being able to understand the intricacies of Longboarding. Simplified the most complicated manoeuvres!! Highly recommend you add this instructional book to your collection!
  • A Short cut to Long Boarding.

    By Liam Joyce.
    What an awesome resource for all surfers. This will be my go to reference for everything surfing. Covers all the fundamentals to reinforce basic skills, with a great breakdown of advanced manoeuvres. This is the only reference I will ever need. A guide for everyone.