Guide 01: Personal Motivation and Circumstance - Dom Moorhouse

Guide 01: Personal Motivation and Circumstance

By Dom Moorhouse

  • Release Date: 2013-02-06
  • Genre: Small Business & Entrepreneurship


This Guide is the first in the Five-Year Entrepreneur series ( 

Who is this Guide for? The simple answer is that this guide is for you. You that is, if you are the owner – full or part – of a professional services business or aspire to become so. Indeed, this guide is for if you are just keen to explore the idea of setting up your own such firm.

Maybe you are reading this, pre launching out, wondering whether you have what it personally takes to be a successful entrepreneur? If so, you are right to dwell on this topic. No other feature is going to be more fundamental in determining the success, or otherwise, of your business than your attitude and ‘basket’ of personal values, capabilities, prior experiences and motivations. This guide describes the ten elements of the ‘Complete Entrepreneur’ as well as exploring the related questions of start-up timing and your attitude towards people, work and risk.

Professional service businesses have unique challenges of their own; this guide ensures you have thought through these aspects also prior to setting out. It will also agitate your consideration of matters that will determine whether this is a journey you will enjoy … for example, how will the ‘Important Others’ in your life be impacted, how do you best sustain yourself through the trials and tribulations of company growth? Ultimately, however, if you have the beginnings of an entrepreneurial idea, this guide will leave you motivated for the journey ahead. Through a combination of case study and pragmatic checklists, it does throw in a dose of realism to ensure you are well considered in your plans; thereafter, however, this book is all about fostering the spark. The world needs more people like you!