Diving In - iOS App Development for Non-Programmers - Kevin J McNeish

Diving In - iOS App Development for Non-Programmers

By Kevin J McNeish

  • Release Date: 2020-04-15
  • Genre: Programming


Winner of the Publishing Innovation Award!
"Dedicated to Steve Jobs, this self published book highlights much of what Jobs himself strove for - clear, crisp design, intuitive interface and user experience coupled with high quality, clear content." - Digital Book World

"Most of the books I scanned, even the "Dummies" series, assumed a basic knowledge of computer programming even for iOS beginners. What I like about Kevin's writing is that he doesn't make any assumptions - he just takes you there - step by step." - Lorraine Akemann - Moms With Apps

"Great for developers too! With this book, I finally understand the relationship between Xcode, Swift, Cocoa Framework, and the related Mac tips. If I don't get a concept, the video at the end of each chapter brings it all together. - Dan Neuman

This first book in the series from Kevin McNeish, winner of the Publishing Innovation award, award-winning App Developer, highly acclaimed iOS trainer and conference speaker, is specifically designed to teach non-programmers how to create an App for the iPhone and iPad. Many books designed for the beginning Apple developer assume way too much. In contrast, this book series assumes you know nothing about programming.

This first book is your "easy in" and builds confidence that you can write Apps for the iPhone and iPad. The entire book has been reviewed by people like you--with no experience in how to make an App. Diagrams were added and examples improved until all "beta readers" completely understood each key concept.

Up to Date With the Latest Technologies
The information in this book is up to date with the latest iOS technologies, including the iOS 9 and the latest version of Xcode. You will learn about storyboards, scenes, navigation, displaying lists of data, animating transitions between scenes, using maps, and much more.

Includes Step-by-Step Instructional Videos!
There are seven step-by-step instructional videos in which you watch the author create each part of the App. This is great for non-programmers who might need some extra help.

About the Author
Kevin McNeish is a featured writer and blogger for iPhoneLife magazine as well as author of the best-selling iOS App Development for Non-Programmers book series, winner of the prestigious Publishing Innovation Award. Kevin is creator of iOS apps including iElectionDay (awarded iPad App of the week) and is also Chief Software Architect of Oak Leaf Enterprises, Inc. He has a knack for explaining difficult concepts in a way that you can truly understand. Kevin is a well-known speaker and trainer throughout North America and abroad including conferences such appsworld, MobileConnections, DevConnections, MobileTeach as well as numerous Code Camps and software developer groups.

Kevin's iPhoneLife blog: http://www.iphonelife.com/blog/kevin%20mcneish

Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kjmcneish


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