The Religions of India - Edward Washburn Hopkins

The Religions of India

By Edward Washburn Hopkins

  • Release Date: 1932-01-01
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality


The growing interest both in this country and abroad in the historical study of rehgions is one of the noticeable features in the intellectual phases of the past decades. The more gen - eral indications of this interest may be seen in such foundations as the Hibbert and Gifford Lectureships in England, and the recent organization of an American committee to arrange in various cities for lectures on the history of religions, in the establishment of a special department for the subject at the University of Paris, in the organization of the Musee Gui - met at Paris, in the publication of a journal — the Revue de V Histoire des Religions — under the auspices of this Museum, and in the creation of chairs at the College de France, at the Universities of Holland, and in this country at Cornell Univer- sity and the University of Chicago, with the prospect of others to follow in the near future. For the more special indications we must turn to the splendid labors of a large array of scholars toiling in the various departments of ancient culture — India, Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Phoenicia, China, Greece, and Rome — with the result of securing a firm basis for the study of the religions flourishing in those countries.